In order to provide a quality environment for everyone who runs with our club, we have set out the below policy. Aimed at keeping everyone safe, it details our responsibilities and a reporting pathway.
Everyone who takes part in athletics is entitled to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment. Manchester YMCA Harriers ("the Club") are committed to providing a safe, secure and respectful environment for its members to enjoy running regardless of age, disability, gender, ethnicity, gender identity, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
This policy applies to all Club members and visitors at Club events; including training, races, social events and use of social media.
The Club supports, and expects members to support, the following:
Manchester YMCA Harriers believes no individual should experience fear, violence, abuse or bullying of any kind, and we are committed to operating to ensure Club members are protected within Club activities. We aim to safeguard our members welfare within running activities, regardless of age, disability, gender, ethnicity, gender identity, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
It is assumed that all members are able to make their own decisions, unless
information is brought to our attention that they are unable to do so. Club
members should inform a Committee member (See the Committee) of any significant change in their circumstances or wellbeing, either physical or mentally, which may impact their susceptibility to abuse or ability to participate in Club activities.
It is everyone’s responsibility to protect the welfare of all those who participate in athletics at the Club.
If you have a safeguarding issue or concerns about your own welfare, or that of anyone in the Club, please advise a member of the Committee as soon as reasonably possible.
If you believe there is an immediate and very real danger, you should get in contact with the Police.
At all times, any concerns raised to the Committee will be treated in confidence, with the privacy and dignity of those involved being paramount.
Following a report, the Committee will contact the UK Athletics Safeguarding Team for advice.
The UK Athletics Safeguarding Team will make a decision as to the level of concern. If the issue is deemed to be serious, the Police or relevant Local Authority will be notified.
If the issue is deemed to be less serious, it will be referred back to the Committee to be examined in accordance with the disciplinary procedure.
The minimum age for membership of the Club is 18.
Children and young adults under the age of 18 cannot partake in Club activities or training sessions.
If you have a complaint about the behaviour of another member of the Club, please raise this with the Committee. It will then be investigated in accordance with the England Athletics Welfare Policy.