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Second Claim Membership
Fill in the form below to join our club as a second claim member.
Personal Details
First Name
Second Name
Date of Birth
Prefer not to say
Contact Details
Email Address
Newsletter Subscription
Checking this box will subscribe you to our quarterly newsletter.
Phone Number
Checking this box will let us add you to our club WhatsApp group.
Our WhatsApp group is a place for announcements and informal chat between members.
Emergency Contact
Membership Details
First Claim Club
Y Club Membership
Check this box if you are a member of the Y club.
The Y Club facilities, including the changing rooms, lockers, showers and toilets, are only available to those with a Y Club gym membership or a Y Club social membership. If you are not a Y Club member, you will need to turn up to group runs "ready to run".
Fitness to Run
I declare that I will only take part in the Club's activities when I am fit enough to do so, and that my health is my own responsibility.
Club Rules
I agree to abide by the
rules of the Club
I have read and understood the
Welfare and Safeguarding Policy.
Y Club Membership and Facilities Use
I understand that the Manchester YMCA Harriers Club and the Y Club are separate entities, and a membership with Manchester YMCA Harriers does not entitle me to use the facilities, unless I am also a member of the Y Club Gym.
Data protection
I understand that my personal data will be controlled by the Club and can be handled by the Club's Committee for official Club business.
I understand the Club will provide England Athletics with my personal data to register me as a member of England Athletics, which England Athletics will use to enable access to an online portal for me called myAthletics.
We're glad to welcome you to our club.
Now, please send your membership fee of £20.
We take payments via bank transfer.
Our bank details are:
Sort code:
Account number:
Your reference payment should be your first initial and surname.
You will also receive an email with these details. If you have opted to join our WhatsApp group you will be added shortly.
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